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I have an interest in just about everything. From jumping out of planes to baking pies and everything in between. I dance, sing, run, jump, kick, and fly [okay I don't fly]. I like to play video games when I'm not making them but prefer doing something new rather than the same thing over and over, so I don't play endlessly or play WoW at all.
I do take some getting used to but once you get to know me you might be addicted.
I greatly respect people who can prove to be more intelligent than I am. The smarter you are, or the more broad your interests the more time I'll spend siphoning that knowledge from your mind.
I won't date a smoker since I tend to think in the long term for this sort of thing and would also prefer that you don't watch TV in excess. If you like to read and write these are massive bonus points and playing video games, while not a requisite, helps. Understanding or having an interest in technology will keep you from getting bored when I talk about the latest developments in the future of our world.
I also prefer women who have a goal with their lives, or several. College education isn't really a requirement but you should have continued to learn beyond high school, even if only on your own.
Also I plan to have children some day. So just throwing that in the mix there.
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